spinach, chickpea and cauliflower curry.

whilst looking for a new curry to try on the bbc good food website i came along this delicious sounding chickpea, tomato and spinach curry. so this week i decided to try it out along with the little change of added cauliflower. and let me tell you it was absolutely lovely if i say so myself! and quite a few of your five a day too which is always a winner for me :)

shopping list
serves four
♥ one cauliflower head, chopped
♥ 200g baby spinach leaves
♥ 400g tin of chickpeas, drained 
♥ one white onion, chopped
♥ four tomatoes, chopped 
♥ two garlic cloves, chopped
♥ 3cm piece of ginger, chopped
♥ a spoonful of very lazy red chillies 
♥ 1/2 tsp turmeric
♥ 1 tsp garam masala
♥ 1 tsp ground cumin
♥ rice to serve

begin by softening the chopped onion in a large frying pan or wok on a medium heat. then stir in the chopped ginger, garlic and red chillies and continue to cook for 5-10 more minutes.

stir in the spices followed by the chopped tomatoes and cauliflower. add in a dash of water and cook for 2 minutes.

add in the chick peas and a further 300ml of water. simmer for ten minutes and add any more water if it seems dry. get ready with your rice or naan at this point :)

lastly stir in the spinach to wilt for a minute or two. then - it's ready! 

i served with white basmati rice and had some the next day for lunch too. yum!

do you have any vegetarian or vegan curry recipes you'd recommend? what other veg do you think would work well here?


  1. This looks great, nice combination of veg and chickpeas! I quite like butternut squash and aubergine for a veggie curry, also made a mushroom rogan josh the other week which worked pretty well...

    1. Thanks :) I love spinach in anything and feel like it really added some colour! Mushroom rogan josh sounds interesting - I'll let you know if I try that one x
