green tea macarons.

with my new found love for baking with green tea, i couldn't wait to try out the flavours in green tea macarons. i'd recently made sushi cupcakes with green tea buttercream so knew i definitely wanted this for the filling. then, i kept the macaron shell recipe fairly simple with a slight hint of food colouring and speckles of finely sieved green tea. i thought it created quite a nice speckled effect, don't you think?

shopping list.
for 10 green tea macarons
♥ two egg whites, preferably aged for 1-3 days in the fridge 
♥ 75g caster sugar 
♥ 90g icing sugar 
♥ 75g ground almonds, sieved until fine
♥ 10g matcha or sencha green tea powder
♥ green food colouring gel (i use sugarflair spruce green)

for the green tea buttercream filling 

♥ 150g butter 
♥ 100g icing sugar 
♥ green food colouring gel
♥ 10g matcha or sencha green tea powder

you will also need a lined baking tray, piping bags, elastic bands, a spatula and a sieve.

firstly prepare the green tea buttercream so you can leave in the fridge to chill. 

step one. brew a very small green tea with 1 tablespoon of boiling water and 10g of green tea powder.

step two. combine the butter, icing sugar and concentrated green tea. 

step three. last beat in the green food colouring or gel gradually until you reach your desired colour. transfer to a bowl and keep cool in the fridge.

step found. sieve together the icing sugar, ground almonds and green tea powder until fine. discard anything that doesn't fit through the sieve. set aside.

step five. whisk up the egg whites with a handheld whisk or balloon whisk on your stand mixer.

step six. slowly add in the caster sugar until it forms opaque, glossy peaks.

step six. sieve in the green tea icing sugar and almond mix. add in the green food colouring.

step seven. take a spatula and stir in a very quick figure 8 motion until combined. slice through and do not flatten down as you will deflate the mixture. the mix is ready when it drizzles off your spatula in a ribbon like motion.

step eight. spoon carefully into a piping bag and give it a firm throw to force the mix to the end and eradicate any bubbles. tie the end with an elastic band.

step six. cut the end 180 degrees across (not diagonal!) and position the piping bag straight to pipe. 

don't lift up until you have piped and then just dot the end to lift the piping bag away. think of your piping bag like a telescope you're looking down.

like with my recent bakewell tart macarons, using this mat always seems to make the macarons far too close to each other. i've since bought a large baking tray with no lip so will definitely use that instead for my next macaron adventure. this mat is just getting ridiculous!

step seven. allow the shells to try for at least 15 minutes at room temperature whilst you preheat your oven to 150 degrees c.

step eight. when dry to the touch, bake for 15 minutes. allow to completely cool.

step nine. pipe a little buttercream in the centre of the macaron shell, then carefully twist the two sides together to create the complete macaron.

do you have any green tea baking recipes? what is your favourite macaron flavour?


  1. These look gorgeous! I've been wanting to make some macaroons for a while and this recipe might be just the extra nudge a need to go for it. I love the colour too - you can almost trick yourself into thinking they're healthy!

    1. Thank you! They aren't too tricky to make, you just need to have plenty of time and then it's quite therapeutic :) x

  2. I've always been a bit suspicious of green tea flavoured baked goods - I can't really imagine how it would translate but having seen more and more recipes using it, it's probably about time I at least tried to bake something with it!

    1. You should go for it! It's not like green tea you get in tea bags - matcha and sencha have a more intense sweet flavour :)

  3. Great recipe! I've never had green tea macaroons before and these were delicious. I've included a link back to this post over on our company website blog. I think our viewers will love this recipe, if you want to check it out here's a link

  4. You are truly the macaron master, they are so neat! I ate a salted caramel macaron in France, epic! That was my favourite to date.

  5. They look great. Love macarons, my favourite flavour would be raspberry. Love using green tea goes well with vanilla in a panna cotta.

  6. I love matcha macarons so much. I'm not very good with making them myself but I just give it another try!

