guinness cupcakes.

Guinness cupcakes

Another Nigella Lawson favourite. I've adapted her deliciously indulgent Guinness cake recipe to create cupcakes. Complete with a hint of chocolate (okay maybe more than a hint...) these Guinness cupcakes are make with a moist stout infused sponge and topped with moreish cream cheese frosting. 

Guinness cupcake
Guinness cupcakes recipe UK

Shopping list.
For the Guinness cupcakes (makes 24)
♥ 250 ml Guinness
♥ 250g unsalted butter
♥ 75g cocoa powder
♥ 400g caster sugar
♥ 150ml sour cream
♥ 2 medium free range eggs
♥ 1 tbsp vanilla extract
♥ 275g plain flour
♥ 2 tsp bicarbonate of soda 

For the cream cheese topping
♥ 300g cream cheese
♥ 150g icing sugar 
♥ 150ml thick double cream 

I followed Nigella's Guinness cake recipe pretty much exactly. Then, divided evenly into cases and popped in a preheated oven for 25-30 minutes. It's quite a wet mixture but don't be alarmed - it rises just fine and makes for an incredibly moist cake.

I would advise checking after 20 minutes and maybe turning. They definitely won't need as long as the full cake and it's hard to tell with the colour if they're burning.

Once cooled, top with cream cheese frosting and enjoy!

Guinness cupcakes Nigella recipe
Nigella Lawson Guinness cake recipe
Guinness cupcakes UK recipes
Guinness cupcakes cream cheese icing
Guinness cupcakes Nigella recipe
Guinness cupcake UK recipes

Have you ever made Nigella's Guinness cake? Or perhaps you follow another stout cupcake recipe? They have a deliciously chocolate taste which is make all the richer with the Guinness. Even if you don't like stout, beer or ale - these are a must try! 


  1. I've not tried Nigella's recipe before but made Delia's lots of times. I haven't made it in a while actually you've inspired me :-p now I just need a good excuse...

  2. Great recipe. I love the deep rich colour that the Guinness gives the cupcakes. I've never made Nigella's recipe before so will be on the look-out for that.

  3. I love this recipe! What a great idea to turn it into cup cakes :)

  4. I've never tried Guinness cake, but I keep meaning to. I love that cookbook! I love the idea of it in cupcakes too! bakes quicker and cute bitesize! Love it xxx

  5. My these look amazing! I love Guinness cake (though I haven't made Nigella's recipe before) and these look perfect for a bake sale.

  6. These look so delicious! I tried a slice of Guinness cake earlier this year, I was a bit unsure thinking it would just taste of the Guinness but it didn't and was so yummy. Think I might have a go at these.

  7. My Irish Fiance is a big fan of Guinness so I will have to try this recipe out!

  8. Hi would the sponge dry out if you put the iced cupcakes in the fridge?
