my little food blogging office.

One of the most exciting parts about buying my first home (except having a kitchen all to myself...) was the idea of creating a new blogging space. With the rest of the house fairly neutral, thanks to the good taste of the previous owners, I wanted to make the smallest bedroom into a bright and creative office space to spend my time blogging and working on freelance projects. It's just about come together now, so I thought it was time to show you my little office.

If you're a regular to Recipes & Reviews, you might remember my old blogging corner from back in 2014. The same old faithful Charles Eames style chair and Next desk are still around, but there's a new addition which I'm rather obsessed with. THAT Orla Kiely wallpaper... I lusted after this pricey wallpaper for so long than I eventually treated myself to it with some John Lewis vouchers. At £61 a roll (gulp!) I'm forever thankful to a local decorator for being able to cover the whole wall in one.

I also couldn't help a few additions from TK Maxx, Tesco and Tiger, as well as this light box and a cactus penpot from Primark. So far I've really enjoyed grabbing a cuppa on a weekend morning and getting on with my writing. It feels healthy to take myself away from any distractions. Well, except for all those foodie Instagram accounts to scroll through.

I have always wanted somewhere to organise my ever growing food prop collection too. A girl can never have too many paper straws, tea towels and Kilner jars, right? So from chopsticks to cheeseboards, I've attempted to arrange my food styling pieces in a way that I can see everything I have. It really does bring me joy to scan the shelving looking for a particular plate to go with my colour scheme or theme.

My food props range from charity shop finds to eBay treasures. Not forgetting lots of tea cups and lovely cutlery handed down from family members who know that I would find a new home for it. Or for birthdays, I'm no stranger to sushi platters and teaspoon sets - and I'm not complaining. I use lot of wallpaper samples and textured card for my backgrounds too, although I'm never sure when this collection will end!

I mostly love individual plates (although if there's a set in a charity shop I can't let them be split up) with newer pieces from Pip Studio, Wayfair and M&S joining the stack. At the moment I'm looking out for unusual serveware and cake slices - an extra excuse to bake something tasty really.

What would your office essentials be? If you're a blogger, how do you arrange your photography props? And where do you like to write? If you'd like to see another recent home post, you can see my kitchen tour here.

For more foodie prop inspiration, check out these posts from fellow food bloggers:


  1. It looks like such a lovely place to work Em!

  2. Love the space Emily that wallpaper is BEAUTIFUL. Our lounge is grey and yellow if I'd seen it I would definitely have bought a roll or two myself!

    Unfortunately I have ZERO space to dedicate to blogging and working from home at the minute. When I do I just take over the dining room table which is far from ideal... Maybe in the next house :)

    1. Thanks Emma! I also have an obsession with mustard at the moment. I have a yellow radio for my kitchen which I'm obsessed with. I also framed an offcut of this wallpaper :)

  3. This is a lovely sweet little office, Emily. You must enjoy working at this place. And how nicely decorated the place is.

    1. Thanks Michelle - pleased you like it as much as I do! :)

  4. Funnily enough, we have been talking for the last few months about creating a dedicated space for pottery / crafting and trying to work out how to re-arrange all the living space in our house to do that - it would involve moving bathrooms so quite a big deal. We have a dedicated study already, as we've both worked from home at various times over the last two decades, but it's the pottery and food photography that aren't really catered for. PS Thanks for linking my charity shop finds, I really can't resist retro pottery when I fall in love with it!

    1. Sounds like it will be hard work but hopefully worth it! Can't wait to see what you create. Also same (as you can see!) I love a retro find!! x

  5. I LOVE the wallpaper!
    I really like the way you've got all your props organised. Mine are all jumbled up with the regular stuff we use to eat off, and its not ideal. Hopefully soon we'll have a bit more space to make a proper home for them!
    Jennie x

    1. Thanks so much! I was so obsessed with it I HAD to buy it. That was the same with me - and I was afraid one day I'd break a plate that I'd used for a slice of toast or something haha. Looking forward to seeing your prop organisation if you do! :)

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE this! What a wonderful space to be creative in. I'm currently kitting out a Summerhouse in the garden to be my blogging space but the slight fly in the ointment at the moment is that the wifi doesn't reach that far! Excellent choice in wallpaper, my BFF has that in her lounge. Is the Primark cactus recent? Also where is the rose gold basket from? I NEED both ♥

    1. Thanks Claire! Ooh a Summerhouse would be an incredible place to blog. And photograph food too! The cactus is very recent - only bought it last month. The basket is last season Next but I have seen similar on Amazon and B&Q as I nearly bought a few more :) x

  7. Your office space looks amazing so bright and airy. I love the prop storage too. I would love my own office space but we have one study that hubby works from home in and I get to use it in the evening only.

  8. I LOVE this post!! Such a lovely space xxx

  9. Such a gorgeous little space! i hope when we finally buy a house I can have myself a little office space
