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chocolate macarons: a recipe in pictures.

just the right crunch, a little chewy and a whole lot of chocolatey. this chocolate macaroon (or is it spelt macaron?) recipe really is to die for. i stumbled across this recipe on my fellow foodie maria's blog the mixing bowl, where she reviewed secrets of macarons recipe book by josé maréchal. something i will certainly be buying in the near future!

from the aging of the egg whites to the grinding of the ground almonds, it really is true with macaroons; everything matters. 

here are some photographs of my culinary adventure. the recipe can be found here. i should add that this is my first time trying out this recipe and probably about my fifth time cooking with egg whites, meringue techniques etc. i'm pretty sure i made them a little too big aswell. but this is a fool proof recipes and if you are a more experienced baker i'm sure yours would turn out even better :) what's more - they tasted amazing! 


  1. These macaroons look seriously good! What are the two fillings? :-)

  2. White chocolate and dark chocolate ganache - made with just a little mascapone :)

    Emily xx

  3. I have this mixer! Glad to see someone else with it. Ive only made macaroons once, and they certainly didnt look this tasty!

  4. Aww thanks. Try this recipe - this was my first time making them and although they were a bit rustic looking they tasted lovely!

    Emily xx

  5. These look absolutely delicious - I think when I have some free time I'm going to try and make them!

    Katrina xx

  6. I've always wanted to try making these, you've inspired me to give it a go!

  7. These chocolate macarons look absolutely delicious! I can't wait to try making them myself. If you love indulging in sweet treats, you should definitely check out Silver Spoon in Milton. It's a fantastic place known for its delightful desserts and inviting atmosphere.
