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homemade cheddar cheese, chive and red onion tartlets.

these are a really quick and easy idea for party food. they take less than 30 mins to make and you can use any filling! 

begin by making basic shortcrust pastry and cutting it into circles with a cookie cutter. if you don't have one you could always use the rim of a mug, tall glass or even a dressing bottle. you then put them in foil cases which you can get from most big supermarkets.

you then beat an egg and a splash of milk together and pour into the cases. i would say 1 egg per six tarts. and finally sprinkle with your favourite flavouring :) personally i love anything with red onion but would love to try this with asparagus and salmon or broccoli and stilton!


  1. I love these little tartlets- they will be perfect for my daughters 16th birthday party

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