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product review: cut and serve cheeseboards.

love cheese? love your friends? love eating cheese with your friends? well, who doesn't? whether you're crazy about camembert or bonkers for brie, it seems that when cutting and serving cheese, there is one main rule of etiquette. each person should have an equal part of
the best and worst parts.

the answer? cut and serve cheeseboards from www.buysebastianbergne.com.

the cheese board family
the first cheese board is intended for cutting and serving small round soft cheeses such as camembert or st andrĂ© - the principal being that each person should have their part of the ‘best’ central part of the cheese. yummy!

the second cheese board is perfect for cutting segments of large round soft cheeses such as roquefort or dolcelatte. 

and lastly, the third cheese board is for cutting my faves - the harder cheese such as cheddar, emmental or red leicester.
though... not so sure i want to share them!

if you're not much of a cheese fan - i'd still recommend checking out the website. there are lots of quirky gift ideas for foodie fanatics and beginner bakers alike! :)

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