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thai peanut potato and spinach curry.

Thai potato peanut curry

An indulgent vegan curry featuring the unique Rooster potatoes from Albert Bartlett. Their signature potato has unmistakable deep red skin and a texture that makes them perfect for mashing, boiling, baking and roasting. To celebrate this fantastic potato, I've teamed up with Albert Bartlett to create this Thai inspired curry with hints of peanut, chilli, lime and coriander. The potatoes are the star of the show, with added nutrients from the finely chopped spinach throughout.

Thai potato peanut curry recipe
Thai potato spinach peanut curry

Shopping list.
(Serves two)
♥ 2 garlic cloves, crushed
♥ One white onion, finely chopped
♥ 2 tsp Thai red curry paste
♥ 2 tsp of coriander stalks, plus leaves to garnish later
♥ 400ml can of light coconut milk
♥ 2-3 large Rooster potatoes, peeled and chopped into roughly inch square pieces
♥ 100g spinach, finely chopped
♥ 1 tbsp peanut butter (smooth or chunky is fine)
♥ 1/2 a lime plus wedges to serve
♥ Extra chillies to garnish

Step one. Begin by cooking together the garlic, onions and Thai curry paste for 5-10 minutes on a low heat.

Step two. Add the coriander and coconut milk and reduce to a simmer.

Step three. Add in the potatoes and spinach and cook together for 10-12 minutes. If it needs more liquid, simply pour in a little boiling water and continue to reduce.

Step four. When the potatoes are almost cooked, add the peanut butter, lime, chilli and coriander to taste.

Step five. Serve with extra coriander, sliced chillies and a wedge of lime. You could also add rice alongside or, like I did, a toasted wholemeal tortilla wrap cut into quarters.

Thai potato peanut curry UK

Have you got a favourite vegan or vegetarian curry recipe? Ot cooked with Rooster potatoes before?

Thai red spinach potato peanut curry

In collaboration with Albert Bartlett


  1. Could I ask what vegan/veggie paste you used? All the ones I know of contain fish sauce or shrimp paste!

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  2. For veggie paste I use the Delicious Magazine online recipe and don't add fish sauce. Hope that helps! :) It keeps for a while too xx

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