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chorizo scotch eggs.

Chorizo Scotch Eggs
Chorizo Scotch Egg Recipe

I've been wanting to try a scotch egg recipe with a twist for a while. Since getting a tiny deep fat fryer, I've tried out fried goat's cheese, triple cooked chips, vegan banana fritters and now even parsnip shoestring fries. But with the picnic season soon upon us - chorizo style scotch eggs had to happen. With a hint of sweet paprika and a bit of a kick, these can be made as hard or soft boiled scotch eggs to your liking. So simple and really satisfying to make.

Shopping list.
(Makes four large chorizo scotch eggs)
♥ Five free range eggs
♥ 100g plain flour
♥ 50g breadcrumbs
♥ 50g panko breadcrumbs 
♥ 250g sausagemeat, or plain sausages removed from skins
♥ 50g chorizo, finely chopped
♥ Half a red pepper, finely chopped
♥ 1 tsp cumin
♥ 1 tsp cayenne pepper
♥ 2 tbsp paprika 
♥ Salt and pepper 

Equipment; cling film, rolling pin, lots of small plates or bowls to hand, deep fat fryer or deep saucepan.

Step one. Bring a saucepan of water to the boil. Immerse the four eggs and boil for ten minutes. The fifth egg is to be beaten later.

Step two. Pour the eggs into a colander and run the cold tap over them until cool. Set aside and when cool, peel off the shells.

Step three. Mix together the breadcrumbs with the panko breadcrumbs.

Step four. In another bowl, mix together the flour, a pinch of salt and1 tablespoon of paprika.

Step five. In a third bowl, combine the sausagemeat, chorizo, cumin, cayenne pepper and remaining paprika.

Step six. In yet another bowl or plate (sorry in advance to whoever is on washing up duty) beat the fifth egg. 

Step seven. Divide your chorizo infused sausagemeat into 4 and roll out between cling film about 6 inches by 3 inches. Keep the cling film underneath.

Stop check: By this time you should have a little scotch egg making factory - making you feel like a TV chef at the same time.

Step eight. Roll your egg in the flour mixture.

Step nine. Place it in the centre of the sausagemeat.

Step ten. Carefully up the sides and use the cling film outer to shape a ball.

Not long now I promise... 

This may be a good time to preheat your deep fryer to 150 degrees c (with sunflower or vegetable oil) or get a deep frying pan warming up on a low to medium heat.

Step eleven. Time to coat in the breadcrumb layer! Dip back in the flour, then in the egg and lastly roll in breadcrumbs.

Repeat until you have four lovely looking scotch eggs ready to cook.

Step thirteen. Deep fry for 8-9 minutes for soft boiled or 10-12 minutes for a definite hard boiled. I found this out by slicing one open after 8 minutes. Made for great piccies, but for scotch eggs I'd prefer hard boiled. 

I also haven't made these in a frying pan but it would work just the same if you tossed them around until the pork meat was cooked.

Step fourteen. Mainly because I don't like odd numbers. Slice up and enjoy! Should keep fresh for 2-3 days in a container in the fridge. 

Soft boiled for 8 minutes...

Hard boiled for 10-12 minutes...

Have you ever made scotch eggs before? What would be your favourite flavour combination?


  1. You smashed it! I've wanted to make scotch eggs for ages, but chorizo scotch eggs? It's happening! Fab post x

  2. They look amazing - have you tried adding black pudding?

    1. I haven't but will add to the ever growing list :)

  3. Look soo good I love scotch eggs, I made ham hock scotch eggs a little while ago, yum.

    1. Thanks so much! Oh myyy ham hock ones sound awesome! x

  4. These sound amazing - I also need fried goats cheese in my life!!

    1. Oh you do! It was from the Food for friends ebook which I still need to post about xx

  5. Yum - these look delicious!


  6. Thanks for this article I was thankful for this recipe. thanks for sharing.
